Lately people
worldwide massively protest in the
streets, squares, parks and over the internet. They(We) are resisting the
totalitarian policies, violation of human rights, repressive governments,
nationalisms, economic and social stratification. Almost every manifestation of
the people is violently repressed by the authorities.
What are the reactions of people around the world, what are
the changes and what are the possible alternatives will be discussed in a public forum "GO AWAY" on Wednesday, 10.07.2013, at 21:00 on the
platform of Slovenian
Ethnographic Museum.
are calling all activist organizations and individuals to join us in a public
forum where we'll get in live contact with activists from Turkey, Egypt,
Brazil, Canada and elsewhere, who will participate with their ideas and reports.
Event will be livestreamed. Url link will be posted soon on twitter: @kulaorg
Event make possible:
Slovensko etnološko in antropološko
združenje Kula, ASS Collective, AngartFilm, AGRFT, Svobodna univerza, Kavarna SEM, Študentska
Iskra – FF, @OcupaRio – OccupyRio, @OcupaSampa – OccupySaoPaulo, @OcupaPOA –